Is Napping Great For Sleeping Disorder Patients?

Napping has many benefits, especially for those who suffer from a sleeping disorder. In fact, some doctors believe that napping is one of the best ways to get over insomnia and other sleep problems. Still, there are certain people who should not nap: night owls who struggle with staying awake during their morning hours. What is a Napping Disorder? A napping disorder is a sleep disorder that involves the need to take short periods of sleep during the day. This can make it difficult for the patient to stay awake, which can lead to feeling drowsy during the day. The patient may also have trouble staying asleep at night and have poor quality of sleep overall. It can affect people of all ages, but children and older adults are most likely to experience it. Some common causes of this condition include: Chronic pain Depression/anxiety Certain medications (e.g., antidepressants) The Advantages of Napping Napping can help you sleep better at night. Napping can help ...